Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The BEST Baby

Well, its official. I've just been named the Best Baby in the World. Yes, mommy and daddy gave me this title so they are a bit biased, but I'm still proud of myself. What earned me this distinctive honor? I rode 7 hours on an airplane to Hawaii and was nearly PERFECT! I took a two hour nap on the floor of the airplane, then woke up and read books, did arts & crafts, played with toys for the next 3 hours, and spent the last 2hours watching Elmo on my portable DVD player. Even though I was stuck in the same spot nearly the whole time, I never put up a fuss. Even the other people on the plane remarked at what a great baby I was.

Mommy and daddy were so surprised. They even gave each other a high-five when the flight was over for how well it went. Me? I knew I could do it!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Lauren needs to give Noah some lessons. He was almost sent back to Mexico based on his behavior on the flight back. He's lucky that we brought him home despite his behavior. He's getting back into regular life though and we're going to keep him. :)