Saturday, November 14, 2009

Future Superstar

I sing all the time (and I mean ALL THE TIME). Last night, I put on a concert last night for mommy and daddy. My "stage" was an empty box lid, and after each song I tried to add a book to the base (don't ask me why - I'm a preschooler, and don't need to explain my strange ways!). Check out my songs from Annie - Sound of Music -and my preschool. Broadway, here I come! (and ps - I know my words aren't always correct, but I'm just a kid so give me a break!)


Al said...

My favorite is the "no idea" song where she's just belting out those long notes!

Stephanie said...

You gotta get that girl a microphone! Noah and I enjoyed the performance.

Vickie Scott said...

I enjoyed your songs soooo much!! I will be the first in line to buy a ticket when you get on the real stage.

PS. I'd buy a ticket even if your stage is a pile of books in a box lid!!!!!