Wednesday, December 30, 2009

William Ryder

I know I'm a little late in announcing this to my blog readers, but I officially wanted to introduce my new cousin, William Ryder Poole. He was borned on Dec 8th, weighed 5lbs 8oz and measured 20 in long. My Aunt Lisa was a real hero...mommy tells me that Lisa labored without meds for 13 hours before an emergency c-section brought him into this world. He is a little peanut and I even got to meet him (more on that later)....

But for now, an official blog welcome to my future bff Ryder. I can't wait to grow up alongside you and see all the trouble we can get in!

(Oh, and Ryder has a blog too - his mommy writes it because he's too young - but check it out HERE)

1 comment:

Lisa P said...

thanks loey!! excited to have such A COOL COUSIN! love, Will Ryder