Wednesday, October 3, 2007

My First Tooth

I broke my first tooth yesterday!! It only took me 7 1/2 months :)


Kari said...

she's SO cute!! Mara took 8 months for her first tooth... and she got two at a time... so i bet Lauren's next one is not too far off.

Lisa P said...

I check your blog every night to see what you have been up to all day.
So excited to see your first "teef"! I know they are a pain to get in, but you'll be glad once you have them!

Auntie Sees

Vickie Scott said...

What a BIG girl!! Now you have to take good care of that tooth! Brush and floss...well, one of these days...We are going to miss our littlest neighbor. Be good in Denver...Vickie, David, Riley and Chipper